OK, first arrived at RKC about 7 plus. We (me, Aranee, Jesse, Jolene, Iri) convened at Michele's house in the morning and then we left together. Warmed up a bit beside the pool until a few girls from another school (dunno which) came lurking around. Haha. Then me and Kah Fong were tryna figure out where to keep the guitar. We had fears of sabotage. So paranoid lah. In the end, we kept it in someone's car. Oh man, I forgot his name. Lol.
Before I continue, let's just say that me and Iri didn't exactly know what we were getting ourselves into. All Michy told us was that I have to play the guitar and Iri has to sing. OK. That's not so bad. We've done it before. But she conveniently forgot to tell us that before all that performing and singing, we are s'posed to walk for an hour around Klang. Like, walk on foot. Around town. Oh, and with banners and we're s'posed to come up with things to say while we're walking ON FOOT. Melia knows full well how very 'fit' I am. So I don't have to say how I was after that. Haha. I don't even know how I completed that walk lah. Never gonna do it again. The only thing that kept me going was the promise of a nice cold drink when we reach RKC.
So after gulping down cups and cups of the nice cold drink, all of us got into our respective traditional costumes. Then we prepared ourselves. The performance was alryte lah. A bit messy and the wrong verses was sang at the wrong time. Haha. I even stopped playing at one time cause I didn't know what they were singing. Lol. You be the judge of the performance. I've included a video and pictures below:
Striking a pose
Me, Ri, Michy
Dunno what they're doing...
Jerry and me (he skipped church too, haha)
Ri, Andrew, Michele