Monday 8 May 2006

Rally from An Usher's View =D

The KGH YF Evangelistic Rally '06 was a success! It was brilliant! From the turnout of 150 to the singing and the performances... the rally was so fun and amazing! Everyone was on fire for God that night, and you could feel His presence in the house!

Anyway, I was an usher that night. Me, Boon Hoy, Boon Seng, Wei Shern, Nyuet Fen, Vivien, and a few more. We gathered at 7pm in church. Vivien gave us a briefing on our job for that night. Boon Seng and I were in charge of the registration of the people who came. As we sat there praying for the mosquitoes not to come, we distributed little torchlights and tracks.

Even when the singing session began, all of us ushers were left outside waiting for latecomers. But it was OK, cause we had each other for company XD But we joined the singing session for awhile at the ending. The playlist that night was "One Way", "Who Am I", "All for Love", "Lift Up Your Eyes", and more. It was led by Joshua with backup singers: Kym, Ruth, and Xin Xin.

The presentations that night were smashing! A sketch entitled "Perfect Lives" was presented by Wei Jin, Sean [Sean-Z, music producer of Taman Linkin and Jay Chua... LOL], Nadia [Miss Leng Ai Sui], and Ee May [Datin Donatella Versace Chanel]. It had us all in stitches! Hahaha~ The sketch ended with a song by Brian: "Here I Go Again" by Casting Crowns.

When the meeting started, there was no space for me (cause Lyon didn't save a seat for me T_T) and the ushers to sit so me, Boon Seng, Boon Hoy, and Wei Shern were stranded out on the steps holding response slips. Yes, I know, sad, ain't it? Hehe... So during that time, we took some pics using Boon Hoy's Moto RAZR, and it's really clear. Check 'em out! =)

Our theme for that night was Lost?
Ushers for the Lord! =D
Curi tulang! Sposed to be ushering la, guys~
All the hard work ushering put Wei Shern to sleep... LOL
"OK, that one has got to go!"

When everything was over, the ushers had to pass the response slips to our designated peals. Mine had 3 blanks... bother! After that, speaker Stephen Low asked for those who wanted to give their lives to God to stand up. Praise the Lord! 6 people stood. Then many of us rededicated our lives to Jesus that night.

Then we had refreshments upstairs. Alyssa and me camwhored in the hall after that. What to do, she's really an expert at that. She can do it anywhere, anytime! LOL~ I went home wat 11.25pm. And now you know what? I think rallies rock! =D

P.S. There are no pics of what happened in the hall because the ushers were abandoned outside... haha! Sorry!


Ee Laine said...

Good job, I'm so proud of you guys, keep up the good work!!

Lady Knight said...

oh gosh! that's such an awesome rally you had! keep up the good work ya? eh remember me right? your cousin... nanti tanya siapa ni...

do drop by my blog too... i think next month i might visit you? or is it next next week? hm... not sure yet... ^^