Friday 31 March 2006


Something really, really cool and scary happened today. Haha. Mr Choo asked me to take all his exercise books on his table in the staffroom together with a plastic bag full of liquid cleaners to his car. He handed me his car keys and I called Puvanaeswary to join me. So we went upstairs and got his things. I made Pune-chan (this nickname stuck since Form 1 =D) carry the heavier plastic bag. Bwahahaha... Then we walked all the way to the car park behind the canteen.

So I took the car keys out and put them into the driver's seat door. Then I opened the car door, and the alarm sounded. As a reflex action (haha, Science terms and all) I immediately closed the car door and pressed some button on some part of the car key thing. Whatever!

Then Pune-chan arrived. Haha, you must've thought she was around the entire time. No, the plastic bag was so heavy she was like halfway behind me. So I asked her to try. She did the same thing as I, you know, the reflex action thing. Haha.

This time, we tried pressing the button with the unlock sign, and opened the door, holding our breaths. Voila! It worked! Haha. When we piled the stuff into the back seat, we closed the door and turned the key once more to lock the car. Then, for no particular reason (and which is now still unknown to us) the van beside Mr Choo's car started sounding its alarm! It sounded like those toy guns you find in supermarkets or Toys 'R' Us stores, there was that bloody jingle... like a siren then something else and followed by another kinda annoying melody.

I looked at Pune-chan and went, "How did that -? Never mind, let's just go." And we fled! But we saw some mak cik kantin with a sinister look on her face; and we caught what she said: "Siapa main kereta ni?" Haha. Me and Pune-chan put on our most innocent expressions and walked off, shaking our heads and pretending we didn't know what happened [although, technically, we really didn't].

1 comment:

Lady Knight said...

oh man! that's so funny!!! really really funny... especially when the other car starts voicing the alarm...