Sunday 26 April 2009

I've spent the past week studying the Gospel of Luke for a church Bible quiz that I did not agree to participate in. But Mervy, who says that because we have a "connection", he put me in the team without even asking for my consent. Why am I not surprised? Haha. So anyway, I found out two weeks before the quiz, but I didn't study, until it was down to one week left. Then I started studying furiously lah. Spent all my free time in school poring through my BK textbook. I finished reading that in four days. Then I spent two days reading the NIV cause the BK one was in the Good News Version.

On the day of the quiz (yesterday), I met up with Mervy and Alexander to study beforehand. We started asking each other questions, giving reminders to one another (quote Mervy: "If there's any questions about mountains, it's Mount of Olives, OK? Everything, Mount of Olives." Hahaha.) and acting out scenes. I didn't remember much about where anything happened. All I had in my head was who was who and what happened. Lol.

So I was quite nervous but my objective was to have fun (and Mervy's was to not embarrass himself, lol). When we saw the three groups of adults that we were up against, aiyoh yoh, so intimidating. Haha. And we were the first group to start. The first round was individual questions where each of us had to answer 3 questions. We answered each of our questions correctly. Moving onto the second round, we finished that in a really short time while the other groups were flipping through their Bibles. Haha. Then the third round was asking the audience, which were separated into their respective groups. Youth got full points for that too. The final round was a TRUE or FALSE thingy. Me and Alex answered our questions (3 each) correctly but Mervy got two wrong. Hehe. It was OK lah. We were just glad that it was over.

In the end, when they totalled up the marks, we won. Hahaha. So funny lah. We totally didn't expect to win. We just wanted to get it over with. Lol. But I reached my objective: I had fun =D I shouldn't be so nervous about Bible quizzes. I should just enjoy it. Just like the angel said: "Do not be afraid!" XD

Signing off...

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