Sunday 31 January 2010

I'm (Always) Your Friend

All I did was mention a person's name. But it's funny how just the mere mention of that name made you almost, quite literally fall apart in front of me. Hearing you talk about what happened and how it made you feel and the times when you wanted to call me and do what you always do (cry on the phone and tell me what's wrong), I felt guilty. I'm sorry I disappeared. I'm sorry I moved on and left everything else behind, including you.

Each of us have our own experiences in life. And all of that teaches us different things. Which explains why we have different mindsets and perspectives on the same things. As I listened to you talk about what you've learned, I wonder if I would wanna feel all you've felt and go through all you've gone through. And as you listened to me speak, I could sense a longing: you wanted to feel like I feel and go through what I've gone through.

But do you know what I've been through? Are you sure you want to feel like that? I find it strange and sad that we want what others have. Why do we look at other people and feel that they've got it so much better? Is it really better than what we have? We have what we have because we've been given it. No one's gonna be given what you've got. It's for you, and for you only. It's just as good as what I have. You just have to look, not see. What you have in your life is the best that you'll ever have right now. It's enough. Don't lose it and go chasing after what you think you want. Those things are waiting for you, but they're not meant for you now.

Here, I'll tell you a secret, so don't tell anyone, alright? The truth is, I'm not always OK. And I don't always have it all together. In fact, most of the time I'm not completely OK. And I'm often always just about to lose it. I am as complicated as you are. I am as scared as you are. I just don't tell anyone. Maybe I'm hardly around. Maybe I'm never around. We may not be as close as we used to be. We may not have ever been close at all. But when you need me, I will always, always have time for you. I can put all my complication and fear aside, and help you. 'Cause I'm your friend. And that's what I do.

So if you want what I have... you don't know what you're asking for. But if you want me to help you with what I have, then I'll do that. I'll say this again. I'm your friend... and this is what I do. :)

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