Thursday 15 April 2010


For as long as I can remember, I have always been the sort of person who aimed high. It didn't matter if my present circumstances permitted it (by this I mean financially and economically). It didn't matter if I was even capable of it at the time (and by this I mean whether or not my target can be achieved by my current abilities). I don't know why and I don't know how, but I always held a certain hope and a certain belief in myself and the fact that I could do anything as long as I wanted it badly enough and I was motivated by the right things and I was willing to put in effort.

Y'day I was just having a talk with a dear friend of mine. And it occurred to me that we were very much alike in our belief that anything is... possible. The more I think about it, the more I feel that it is true. In this life, there are many choices that you have to make and it is more often than not, one decision after another. Sometimes you may trip up and make the wrong decision, but you don't have enough time to regret over it because another decision comes your way.

Every stage of your life presents its own set of choices. Regardless of whether you're in school or in college or in university or about to launch out into a career, it's all about questions that life throws at you and answers that you give. And because we're so aware of it, we feel so pressured into making the right decision. But really, what is the right decision? Is it something that is safe; that will give you financial security and economic stability? Or is it something you love which makes you feel alive deep inside and gives you meaning and purpose?

Most of the time, we are restricted by our circumstances and what people say. I often worry about things which I shouldn't worry about. I look at my circumstances and become stressed out over how I am supposed to help out to make things work. Then at the same time, I am bombarded by people saying stuff like, "You're really clever, so why are you doing arts?" And usually stuff like these would influence you to make decisions based on how things are and what people say. But that's not how it is for me and it's definitely not how it should be for you and anyone at all. 'Cause this life is yours. The decisions you make should be yours. And the consequences of that decision are entirely yours to bear. So if you make decisions that aren't exactly yours, are you willing to face the consequences? It is much better to take a risk and choose who you want to be, then handle whatever comes after.

This life can be everything you want it to be. It's your time and it's your day. When you get older, are you able to say that your life and your place is where you wanted it to be? Is it all you dreamed it would be when you were younger and felt like there was nothing to lose? 'Cause I do believe that one of the things that we are most afraid of are regrets. We don't want to look back on life and say that things didn't turn out the way we thought it would because we weren't brave enough to dream and be what we feel. Don't compromise what you wanna be. Let nothing stop you from chasing it.

I've learned that this life can be bigger and better if we believed so. Nothing is too far away or too crazily insane that you can't dream about it and build a path towards it. Sometimes I wonder why I want to set such a high standard when I don't even know if I can reach it. It's almost as if I am setting myself up for disappointment and pain. But I know that if I aim for anything lower than that, I would be selling myself short. What I have and the dreams in my heart are GOD's gift to me. What I do with it is my gift to Him. And so I don't wanna settle for just about anything. I don't wanna settle for a life ordinary. I'd much rather try to be the best that I can be, and if I don't reach it this time, then I'll reach it the next time. Just as life is one decision after another, it's also one chance after another. Life is a possibility of anything at all.

Choice is yours. The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not, it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate, or bad luck, or bad choices, or you can fight back. Things aren't always gonna be fair in the real world, that's just the way it is. But for the most part, you get what you give. What's worse, not getting everything you wished for or getting what you think is all and finding out it's not enough? The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time and the rest of your life starts right now.

1 comment:

Soon Chia said...

It's the reality that is stopping us. I have to admit, I am being controlled by not taking Mass Communications but I've been getting more Yes-es when I told everyone I'm going to take finance. I'm the type of guy who plays safe, in certain parts of life. It's your future, you have to make the wisest decision. I'd like to do a lot of things in the future but I can't waste my time just like that. Choosing something safe is still all right. I think humans can face all type of consequences, we're able to live with it. We only have to make slight adjustments to see the brighter side of things. Yes, I might regret after graduated as a financing student (as I might get a boring life, etc.) but as long as I'm able to survive in the future, it doesn't really matter.

It's totally non-related but that's my 2 cents. (: