January 5th. The last first day of school for me. I was actually really worried about streaming and also how to treasure my last first day, 'cause I didn't know what to do to make it a memorable one. Haha. But everything was on course for a smashing first day. Hehe. It started off with me ending up with size 5 shoes. For those of you who do not know that I am Bigfoot, I wear size 7. Imagine stuffing my feet into shoes two sizes smaller. And why did I have size 5 shoes? They were Jessica's! We ter-took each other's shoes when we bought them together. Although I must admit it was my fault because I didn't bother to check which was whose. Haha. I was pretty sure I had mine.
My size 7 shoes =D (and yellow socks from YP XD)So when I arrived in school, everyone else was already there. Haha. And I thought I was early. We had assembly and speeches, blah blah blah. Just normal stuff. Then they moved the Form 3s and the Form 4s to other locations for their streaming while we Form 5s stayed in the Dataran Bestari. The Form 5 administrator was Miss Helen Sim. And she began with three ominous words: "This is it." Just those words were enough to make me freak out. Haha. Like, it just makes the reality of sitting for SPM and being in my last secondary year so much more real, y'knw? Lol.
Moving on to "the moment you've all been waiting for" (quote Miss Sim), she started streaming the classes according to the class arrangements, that is M E T H P K S D. That was good lah. Gave me time to stop hyperventilating and clear my airways before fainting from shortness of breath. Haha. Then when it came down to S, me and Nette were holding hands so tightly. Dah lah sweaty palms somemore. Lol. After they passed the As and my name wasn't called, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Yay! I'm in 5D! Haha. Then she passed the Js (no Jessica Loo), the Ks (no Khoo Iri), the Ls (no Lynnette Tang) and the Os (no Ong Yoke Pei), and I nearly shouted for joy. Haha. But I had to control myself. We were together! Me, Jessica, Nette and YP weren't separated. Lol. How awesome is that? Very awesome. Haha. And for the first time in the past 4 years of secondary school, me and Iri were in the same class. Hehe. Other than that, other friends who are in 5D are Usha, Kavitha, Hannah, Angel, Joanna and Aranee. Oh, and Jia Ying's in 5D too (we've been in the same class since Standard 1, except for one year). After that, I was shouting and jumping and dancing. No one else was as happy as me. Lol.
Other highlights of today was the school magazine! Haha. Although I thought that we did a sucky job last year, the magazine actually turned out quite OK. Except for the horrible Editorial Board page pictures, everything else was fine. Lol.
Identiti 2008