Tuesday 28 February 2006

It's A Happy Day ~

As is visible, today is a happy day, even though it's a test day. So, anyway, I finished my English paper and was all frustrated because I did silly mistakes like describing the Phantom with no mouth. Yeah, I did that. Than Lin Kee, bearer of good news that she is, told me that I needn't worry because so and so did this and this to that and that. So I practically hugged her until she nearly suffocated. She was really red.

Than when we had to do our Maths paper, I totally understood the questions that I felt like jumping up and yelling my lungs out. But of course I didn't do that. But the main highlight of Feb. 28 has got to be what happened in 2H during Maths paper.

You see, I always bring an alarm clock during the test/exam period, and so it was no different here. But I didn't use it like I always did, because I got a great view of the clock on the wall of 2H, unlike last year in 1H. So, I left it in my bag and I'm so sure I did not on the alarm. But all of a sudden, when Encik Yarha was the invigilator during that time (for 30 minutes) there was the resounding "ti-ti-ti-tit ti-ti-ti-tit" and people were turning around and wondering who was making the noise. I myself was thinking, "What stupid fellar put the alarm clock on?!" Than Hui Li and Seah Yih were, "Cikgu, ada alarm clock." "Di mana?" Hui Li pointed at the bags gathered behind, where mine was. And Joanna was, "Amanda, it's yours!" I was like, "No... no, it isn't." Puvanaeswary from the other end was like, "Go!" And I knew it was definitely mine. Than Encik Yarha spoke: "Siapa punya?" Than I raised my hand - weakly. And he nodded. I walked behind and unzipped my bag, turning off the alarm. 2H was laughing at me - but you know, it is funny. Haha. And Ah Kym Bo says she's never heard anything like this happening before. LOL!

Here's a public apology on the web where everyone can see. Sorry to have disturbed you guys during test time, my fellow 2 Harmoni-ans.

P.S. I want to officiate something: Yan Teng is the noisiest student in class during any test or exam. :D

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