Humans are incredible creatures. We speak, move, think and feel.
I don't think I've ever really thought about it. How incredibly different and incredibly special we are compared to the million other creatures that roam this earth. We are so, so blessed to be what we are.
To be able to speak and let known our feelings. I know how it feels to want to say something so badly, but to not be able to - for all sorts of reasons. Everyday I say so many things, but I can't remember even half of what I said. And that's cause the things that I said didn't matter. It's funny how the things that matter are the things that we don't say. We expend so much energy beating around the bush and not saying what we really want to say. So many empty words that could have held so much meaning in them. I guess the reason why we don't say what we want to say is because we are afraid of what others might say in return. We have expectations. And when people fall short of those expectations, we get hurt and we pull back. But it is so much better to say what you want to say, no matter what happens after that. To know that you did everything you could, you said everything you needed to say and you let it all out. No regrets. I love that feeling... of taking that risk. I'm afraid of that feeling, but I love it anyway. Love and fear. Curiosity and bravery. We know that we can get hurt, but we want to do it anyway, because we know that maybe, just maybe it would all be worth it. That's what's amazing about humans.
To use our body to move. What do you use your hands for? I use my hands to write and to play music. I think it is so amazing that we are each born left-handed, right-handed or ambidextrous. And we learn to hold a pencil in our hand and write letters which turn into words and express what we feel. With our hands, we play instruments. Whether we strum a guitar or we bang a piano, it's music anyway. Haha. And that music can lift us up. An instrument is just an instrument if left alone. But when we learn to play them and use our fingers to create music, the instrument comes alive. I find that so mind-boggling. A lifeless object that begins to produce such sweet sounds when a person works his or her magic on it. What do you use your feet for? To walk and to run. It's amazing when I think of the fastest human on earth. How can anyone run that fast? I would think it humanly impossible. Lol. What do you use your eyes for? To see. Each of us see life differently. I view the world through my eyes. But if I were to view the world through your eyes, it would be completely different. I also think that eyes are the windows to our souls. You can look out but you can also look in. A person can lie, but the truth always shows in their eyes. I love that about humans. We try so hard to cover ourselves up and hide ourselves from the world, but our eyes give us away.
To have our mind as a secret place where our thoughts, hopes and dreams are. Each of us have our own hopes and dreams for our lives. In our mind, we form ideas of what we would want our lives to be. And with our mind, we make it happen. Don't understand what I mean? It is what takes root in our mind that turns into our desires and then our actions and so determine our decisions which life is so full of. Where there's a will, there's a way, yes? All it takes is that passion, that spark to start it all. You know what you want and you do what it takes. Nothing is easy. Everything needs effort. We may fall but the starting point of getting back up takes place in the mind. You make a conscious decision that nothing will bring you down.
To have a heart that is more than an organ; a heart that feels emotions that sometimes even our brains cannot deconstruct and comprehend. It's strange how when you feel pain, your mind registers it but your heart feels it. You don't get a headache; you get a heartache. The human heart is not just a mere organ. It's an emotional living thing. It beats not just because it has to, but because you will it to. I am so amazed when I look at my dogs and think, "They are living things. Real living things. They have hearts that beat that I can feel." But their hearts are different from ours. Ours function to keep us alive but it also helps us to feel. Imagine if your mind says you are in pain but you don't feel it. You know you're in pain but nothing else tells you that you are. Then it doesn't matter. I wouldn't want to be like that again. To have a heart of stone. To shut myself from all feeling. To lock my heart and throw away the key. I want to feel, whether or not it brings hurt or joy. I want to feel, cause I was made to feel. Humans are made to feel. Our hearts help us do that.
I always hear people say that everyone's special. And most of us might scoff and say that if everyone's special, then no one's special. But we are. All of us are special. We can all speak, move, think and feel. But we all speak, move, think and feel differently. No matter how subtle our differences may be, we ARE different. And that's what makes us special. The little details. When you take the time to know a person, they become special to you because it's the little quirks about them that make them special. It's the way they laugh when you say something incredibly lame. It's the way they notice when something's not right with you. It's the way they say something to you just by looking at you. It's the way they make you smile when they do something ridiculously cute. It's the way they make you feel when they're around. They're special because we know them for who they really are. People are flawed and broken when you get to really know them, but that's the beauty of it. I love people. But most of all, I love You for making us in Your image.