Friday 16 October 2009

Dance, Dance

The photo above is me and Yoke Pei in a club. =D

OK. I know you don't believe me. Haha. Although it does look like we're clubbing. Lol. The real photo is below.
What a vast difference. So anyway, I'm listening to dance music now. That's why I feel like blogging about it. I always think that I'll fit in nicely in a club. Cause I've been listening to a lot of dance music and I can dance - kind of - OK, I can't, not exactly. Hahaha. Several words to describe the way I dance is: ridiculous, amusing, funny, entertaining... nowhere near good or talented. Lol.

And me and Yoke Pei always talk about how when we reach the age where we can enter clubs (what age is that? I don't even know, lol) then we'd totally go clubbing together. Cause I'd really want to get to dance. Since I haven't ever got a chance to dance. (As recently as this year, I was supposed to be in the Jai Ho dance in school, but they kicked me off T_T. But only because they had enough people. Still, I think I was first choice to be kicked off the team. Hahaha.) Then again, I don't really know how clubs are. Haha. I only know them through movies with bouncers and fake IDs. Lol.

But I gotta feeling that it would be interesting to see the inside of a club and to experience clubbing. Disco balls and all. Or do they actually have disco balls? I've only ever seen a disco ball in movies like Saturday Night Fever and Grease. Maybe they don't have it anymore. Haha. Aiyoh. I sound like an oldie now. Hehe.

Anyway, below are some photos from Graduation Day since I won't be creating an album on Facebook. Happy viewing! =)


Soon Chia said...

never thought you would think of clubbing. legal age for girls to club (most clubs) is 18. do tell when you wanna go clubbing. XD

Amanda H. said...

hahaha. why? i look lik d kind of girl who wouldnt go? lol. i lik to dance mah. club place to dance mah. haha. ah, 18 ey. trust mr tan soon chia to knw the legal age. lol. take me out once we turn 18 lah. =D