I was late for school - as usual. It's funny how now I'm always late. I used to be early everyday. Anyway, the HM gave her last speech this morning. And I wasn't really concentrating but she was saying that there were two things she wished would change but still hasn't for the past ten years:
i) MGS girls' ultimate hobby: talking and talking and talking
ii) I forgot this one, haha
And y'knw, it's so true. I talk a lot. On just about anything. I think about the next thing to talk about. And then I talk about that. But they don't mean anything. Cause they're just empty talk.
I like having conversations that mean something. Where you talk about how you feel, what you think, your hopes and fears. Anything, just as long as it means something. Conversations like these give me glimpses of the person behind the person. I always feel so thankful when I get to see the real thing. That I was given the chance to know this part that not a lot of people reach. That this other person trusts me enough to open up to me. That this other person wants me to know THIS about himself/herself. Once in awhile, I get to see the heart. But it's not easy. You gotta work for it. You gotta put in effort to reach someone's heart. Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned.
Meaningful conversations only happen once in awhile. And they catch you by surprise. You don't plan to have them. But when you get close enough, they just happen. These conversations always leave me feeling good inside. Like it was time well spent. When I talk about conversations, I don't just mean those with words. Hehe. Yup, you can still have a conversation in silence. And I think that when you can spend time in comfortable silence with someone, the friendship that you both share is really something. It's just knowing that the other person's there eventhough you're both busy doing different things. I call it basking in each other's company.
I don't want to know a lot of people and then realize that I don't actually know them. Cause if it was that way, then the people I know are just acquaintances that make up a list of people I've come to know over the course of my life. It would be sad if that happened to me... or to anyone, really.
When I get to know a new person, I always think that it could be the start of something. But then nothing happens and over time, it's just, "Oh yeah, I know you. Hi." And it's OK when it ends up like that, because there are friendships that are meant to bloom and others that are just always gonna be buried underground. But there are also those that bloomed and then withered. I tried to save those friendships. I dunno if there's such a thing as a friendship expiry date. Lol. But I guess some friendships have that. Maybe both changed, or maybe both didn't change but somehow it just doesn't feel the same. Even if you tried, it's not gonna work because that friendship has kind of gone past its time. Like how no one uses Friendster anymore. XD So then you just let it go. Wave goodbye and say that it was good when it lasted.
I for one know that it's not enough for me to want the friendship to work. This is an expression that I don't actually use and that I cannot do literally: it takes two to tango. And how true. Because friendship is something that all of us treasure and value. It is the creation of a new energy that wasn't there before. It is a breath of fresh life in our dull lives. A new person. A new friendship. A new adventure. But quite frankly, friendship is quite frightening. It can be exciting and exhausting. Even so, we live deprived lives if we live without friends.
It's enough to have a small circle of friends. In the end, numbers don't mean a thing. Even with a small circle of friends, you may not know each of them so well. That's why when you get friends, regardless of whether they are old or new friends, you gotta let it take its natural course. Give it time to allow it to develop. You don't know where it's gonna lead to and whether or not you turn out to be close friends or just friends. But when you get friends who become really close, then that's when you put in the extra effort to keep 'em that way. Have conversations - all kinds of conversations - silly ones, serious ones, silent ones. Sometimes I don't realize who matters, but when I do, I can only count myself lucky that I haven't lost those friendships. And if you have friends like that, you're lucky too =]