Sunday 8 November 2009

I Write...

What's a blogger, really? Have you thought about that?

I've been blogging since I was 12. I have run out of things to write about that my blog has died countless times and come back to life again. Sometimes it's cause I really don't feel like blogging or I really want to blog but I just have nothing to blog about. But how true is the latter?

Being a staunch believer in the truth of all of Wikipedia's articles (=D), I Wiki-ed blogger and it gave me a very boring definition: a person who writes a blog. I define a blogger as a person who can take anything that happens in his/her life and make it interesting. Maybe it's just an excuse when I say I have nothing to blog about. Because being a blogger is taking even the most mundane occurrences in your life and making it sound like the exact opposite.

I blog because I love writing. I like how my thoughts can flow out through my fingers and become words. I like that my words can connect with another person and turn out to be the unspoken words of their heart which they found hard to express. Writing makes everything clear. It gives me insight about myself. It gives me insight about others. It is my avenue of expressions. It lets me say what I want to say the way I want to say it. Sometimes, I surprise even myself with the things I have written. Writing makes me happy. It gives me permission to speak from the heart. It is the swing and swirl of words that tangle with human emotions. It shows me how complex and yet how pure these emotions are.

Do you love writing but you think you can't? I used to think I couldn't. But when I start writing, I stop thinking. I just write from my heart. Write about anything and everything. Everything I see or experience, I find something to write about. Look closely and you'll soon realize that everything in life is writable. Haha. The best way to write is to fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. And along the way, you will discover yourself.

"The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say." - Anais Nin

I have something to say and I want to be heard. And so, I write...

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