Friday 27 November 2009

More Than A Song

I was going through my secret book. Haha. It's this book where I write stuff like poems, quotes, thoughts and whatever else. But it's not really a secret now, is it? Lol. So anyway, I found something I wrote about music on 17th November 2008. I don't know what prompted me to write that, but I know I was inspired. And so, what else would I do when inspired than write? =)

Music takes me away from my troubles.

When I listen to a song, everything I'm going through fades away. I can only hear the words, the melody, the beat. I bask in the moment, free from all my pain and all my worries. Even for awhile, the music calms my soul and brings me to a place, a safe haven.

Then the music gradually fades, and silence returns to fill the empty space, and I am reminded that nothing has changed, reality remains. But just for a bit, the music gives me hope, gives me strength.

Music takes me away from my troubles.

I absolutely love music. It's a really beautiful thing. And it's one of my forms of expression. Not one day goes by that I do not listen to music. To me, music is therapeutic. When I write songs, music becomes cathartic. I find that I am able to put into words what I would otherwise have found difficult to convey. Music comes from the heart and not so much the mind.

It's everywhere, too. You can find music in anything. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of everything around you. Simple things like the tapping of your keyboard, the sound of the fan spinning, my brother yelling my name... Haha. It's the sound of home. =] And as I dwell on that thought, I realize that music also captures memories. Just as a camera captures photographs, songs capture a moment in time and retains it in my memory forever. It reminds me of places, happenings, people.

Music has brought so much into my life. A life without music is an empty life to me.

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