Tuesday 17 November 2009


SPM 2009 begins tomorrow. The whole year of studying has been for these next four weeks. Wow. It's here. Haha. It's actually here. And I think I'm prepared. I'll go into the hall with guns (pens and 2B pencils XD) blazing. Lol. I never thought about how I would be in the days counting down to this major examination. But strangely enough, as I mentioned in my previous post, I am at peace. I thank You so much for being all I need, all I've ever needed and all I'll ever need. With You, I can say with absolute confidence, "I'm OK and I'll be OK." So when I begin this 10-day adventure tomorrow, I know You'll come along with me. Just me and You in a quiet hall. We'll have fun, yes? =]

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
But I trust in the name of the Lord my GOD!"
Psalm 20:7


Anonymous said...

Hi Manda, will certainly be keeping you and the rest of the YF SPM'er (pronounced 'spammers') in prayer as you do your papers. All the best! - adrian

Anonymous said...

mine was BA030A001 :))

I know I'm a litlle late. But all the best!

Amanda H. said...

haha. thanks and thanks!