Friday 13 November 2009

What's Your Toothpaste?

What's the first thing you do when you wake up? Brush your teeth. If that wasn't the answer for any of you, then you must be an unhygienic person with bad breath. Haha. It's OK if you're not for toothbrushes and lean more towards Listerine or chewing gum. I'm not judging. Lol.

I am very particular about my toothpaste. Brushing my teeth may just be a normal routine thing and you may think, "Who cares what toothpaste I use? As long as I brush my teeth WITH toothpaste, can adi lah." Lol. But why don't you start your day with an adventure? Try on different kinds of toothpastes. It gives meaning to the otherwise boring act of running a brush over every single tooth in your mouth. *Grins* Or it does for me. Haha. It makes me look forward to brushing my teeth. I jump out of bed and think, "Ooh. Apple mint today. I wonder how that will taste." Haha.

When I was a kid, I was a sucker for Colgate Pokemon toothpaste. My preference was the Pikachu Bubble Fruit one with blue gel. Love it! The blue gel was all sparkly and it tasted yummy. Haha. But I didn't eat it lah, OK. I also used Oral-B Stages Buzz Lightyear toothpaste. That was real nice too. But Pikachu all the way lah. Haha. What toothpaste did you use as a kid? Do tell. =D

I always wanted to keep using children's toothpaste, buthen my mum said that I couldn't anymore because I was all grown up and should use adult toothpaste. Haha. So now, I use all kinds of toothpaste. I don't just stick to one. So far, I have used Colgate Propolis (beautiful yellow gel), Colgate Kayu Sugi (which was horrible, don't buy it), Colgate Herbal White (nice green and white stripes), Darlie Hydro Gel (water from the Alps or something), Fresh & White Apple Mint (this absolutely rocks) and Pearl Drops Whitening (which acts as a mouthwash too =D), to name a few.

I don't like it when my mum buys Darlie, the normal kind. Like, so boring! Aiyoh. At least special toothpastes motivate me to brush my teeth. Haha. The rest of my family uses Darlie, except for my brothers, because they have to use whatever I use since all our toothbrushes are at the same sink. Hehe. Mum and Dad can keep using their Darlie lah.

So yes, brushing your teeth can be a fun activity. Hehe. Now what are you waiting for? Go and get a weird toothpaste and see if trying out different toothpastes makes you as happy as it makes me. Hohoho. XD


Lilian said...

ohmygoodness Manda!

Amanda H. said...

haha. what??